Search results

  1. N

    Wineries/Vineyard Tours Near Pratovecchio/Stia

    Hello All! Since it will be my first time in Italy this November, I'm looking to do a winery or vineyard tour close to Pratovecchio or Stia where I will be staying in a castle. I can't seem to readily locate any tours, can anyone please help me? Preferably any tours under an hour of travel...
  2. N

    Please Help! Transportation from Pratovecchio to Arezzo

    Hello all! Can anybody please help me because I'm having difficulty finding a train from Pratovecchio or Pratovecchio Stia (although I don't know the difference between those two) to Arezzo. Our final destination is in Venice traveling on November 27th. We are looking to travel between 8am - 9am...