Casentino or Garfagnana/Lunigiana appennins with small kids?


New member
we are visiting Tuscany in June and would like to spend 3 nights on the appennins to cool off and visit little villages, castles, woodland with short kid friendly hikes. Indecise between Casentino and Garfagnana/Lunigiana- would like somewhere scenic but not too difficult to reach...thank you!
June in Tuscany


I hope you mean June of next year ... otherwise I know I am too late :(

I am a long time resident of Casentino - and I love it! It is small, friendly and beautiful.

and I love the mountain scenery - which probably explains why I did a mini vacation last year in Garfagnana and Lunigiana...even more mountain scenery! But just as beautiful.

Caseentino is probably easier to navigate because it is smaller but they both have so much to offer, read through the links above to get a better idea of what to expect.

Buon Viaggio,

Donna Denise