Cinque terre tour in january 2015


New member
I am in tuscany for three days - 23, 24, 25 january. Will be coming from perugia.

Should i spend one night in siena and two nights in florence of which one day is spent in cinque terre.

Or should i bypass siena totally.

I really want to take a day tour of cinque terre. What is the best bet during this season?

Cinque Terre

Hello -

unless you are actually leaving Italy from Florence and need to spend two days/nights there, maybe you could consider arriving in Siena and one night there, then one day/night in Florence and the third night in Cinque Terre - that way you don't loose as much travelling back and forth.

Since visiting 5T is mostly outside touring the trails and visiting the ports, the weather will certainly influence the amount of walking you do. BUT if the weather is sunny (even if it is cold) it is still an activity that you can do all day :-) So if you are flexiable you could also let the weather guide you a bit. Right now there are previsions of light showers on and off for all three days (which is of course subjected to change) but you could probably find last minute accommodations in 5T fairly easily if you decided to spend the night.

Buon Viaggio
Agree with Donna, remain flexible and the best idea would be to move northward to reduce backtracking.... I definitely recommend visiting Siena, one of my favorite towns :)