Forte di Belvedere opening hours in march?


New member

I am staying five days in florence (from march 3rd to march 8th) and would like to visit forte di belvedere on sunday after going to boboli gardens.

Unfortunately, I can't find visiting hours anywhere.

I'm only interested in walking accross the terrace, and in those picturesque views of florence - i'm not really thaht interested about going inside.

It would be nice if we could walk "the great chinese" walls of fortress but no info here also



Anyway, I appreciate your help. :)
Giardini Bardini


the gardens you are looking at are called the Bardini Gardens. You can check with this link for more information, we are in the process of updating the ticket prices for 2016, however the opening hours of the garden are:

Jan & Feb: 8.15 - 16.30
March: ore 8.15-17.30
April & May: 8.15 - 18.30
June, July, August: 8.15 - 19.30
Sept & Oct: 8.15-18.30
Nov & Dec: 8.15 - 16.30
Closed Christmas, New Years day and the 1st of May

Buon Viaggio,

Donna Denise
The Forte Belvedere is at the very top of that photo and, unfortunately, it is only open from early summer to end of September, usually when an exhibit is organized. That's the reason there are no opening hours.

You can visit the Bardini gardens as Donna suggested for a GREAT view of Florence, very similar to the one you get from the Forte. You can also walk down along that wall in the photo - it is of the LAST remaining section of the stone walls that surrounded all of Florence during medieval times. While the doors/gates remain throughout Florence, the walls were destroyed and only here can you see them. So it is a great stroll to take from the Forte down - it is pretty steep so I don't recommend it in the opposite direction! ;)
I was definitiely thinking about visitning Bardini gardens anyways, though I didn't know they were adjecent to the walls :)

Greatast thx for the info, i'm really looking forward to my trip :)

Plan your visit to the Boboli gardens so that you do the part of the gardens near the Porcelain museum/Kaffehaus toward the end of your visit (they are at the top of the gardens and you get a good panoramic view from the Kaffehaus of Florence) and that way you can take the exit right next to the Forte Belvedere, skirt around it and then enter the Bardini garden/villa without having to hike back up ;-) This is because Via Porta S. Giorgio is quite steep!
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