Hotels or AirB&B


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Traveling in September 2024 and can not decide on if I should stay in hotels and eat all my meals out or rent a apartment and cook some meals myself.
How many days are you staying? As a base, I like the extra added space generally offered by an apartment and the possibility of being able to cook a meal in if I got tired of eating out, which could be the case if you're traveling for longer than a week overall. But as Uomo Grasso has pointed out, there are so many excellent restaurants in Florence, as well as cafes with pastries, that even a week stay could offer different places to eat at for every single meal.

I'd likely choose to eat out most of the time myself, so stay at an apartment and eat out!

The main difference would essentially be: do you want the convenience of the breakfast being offered by the hotel or would prefer to head out and find a spot for breakfast as well? There are several cafes that are organized to also offer savory options, included omelets, bagels, pancakes and whatnot as well as just grab a coffee and a pastry, depends on what you prefer to start your day with. If neither applies, you could also stop at a grocery store and get some basics and have breakfast at your apartment. I think this is where the main difference would be.
I've been there. Last fall, I was torn between hotel living and renting an apartment during my trip to Barcelona. Ended up going with the apartment option and it was a game-changer. Cooking some meals myself not only saved some bucks but also gave me a taste of local markets and flavors. However, there's something special about indulging in hotel luxury and dining out without lifting a finger.
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Staying in a hotel is awesome because you can spend more time actually enjoying your trip instead of getting stuck in the kitchen cooking meals.
How many days are you staying? As a base, I like the extra added space generally offered by an apartment and the possibility of being able to cook a meal in if I got tired of eating out, which could be the case if you're traveling for longer than a week overall. But as Uomo Grasso has pointed out, there are so many excellent restaurants in Florence, as well as cafes with pastries, that even a week stay could offer different places to eat at for every single meal.

I'd likely choose to eat out most of the time myself, so stay at an apartment and eat out!

The main difference would essentially be: do you want the convenience of the breakfast being offered by the hotel or would prefer to head out and find a spot for breakfast as well? There are several cafes that are organized to also offer savory options, included omelets, bagels, pancakes and whatnot as well as just grab a coffee and a pastry, depends on what you prefer to start your day with. If neither applies, you could also stop at a grocery store and get some basics and have breakfast at your apartment. I think this is where the main difference would be. I will stay in apartment/villa due to I will be in Florence for 8/10 days. Bologna would most likely be B&B or Hotel because I am only there 2 or 3 nights and Rome I might look at both, just to get a feel of the cost difference.
If I had to choose, I’d go with staying in hotels. It’s super convenient since you get amenities like housekeeping, room service, and sometimes a pool or gym.
I faced the same decision when I traveled recently. Staying in a hotel is convenient, but eating out can add up quickly. Renting an apartment has its perks, like being able to cook some meals and save money. Plus, shopping at local markets can be a fun experience.

If you enjoy cooking and want a more local feel, an apartment might be better. However, if you prefer convenience and don’t mind the cost, hotels are great for a hassle-free stay. Also, if you’re considering Travel Business Class for your flights, it can make the trip more enjoyable. You might want to weigh how much time you want to spend cooking versus exploring local restaurants. If you need more tips, just visit site for additional insights.
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Traveling in September 2024 and can not decide on if I should stay in hotels and eat all my meals out or rent a apartment and cook some meals myself.
I have had experiences with hotels and Airbnb, and each has its perks. If you like the convenience of having everything taken care of, hotels are plentiful. Daily housekeeping, facilities, and the ability to dine out without worrying about cooking are pluses. On the other hand, renting an apartment through AirBnB gives you a homey feel and the flexibility to cook some of your own meals, saving money and allowing for a more personalized experience. This September, I’m planning a trip to Branson, Missouri, and I’m staying at a hotel resort where I’ve stayed before and really enjoyed it. The service and facilities made my stay comfortable and relaxing. For more information, you might want to check out westgate resorts is the name of the resort.
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