How to arrive in Tuscany and get a car rental


New member
We plan to travel to Tuscany from Florence (we plan to travel visit Pisa and Lucca during our Florence stay) in early October. We will then be heading to Cinque Terre. Our goal was to use buses/trains for all transportation except for the days we spend in Tuscany. We are now at a loss as to how to do that. Our thinking was to take a bus to a convenient town, rent the car, stay locally then return the car to the original location and bus/train to Cinque Terre. My question...if we stick with this idea, what town would be easily accessible by bus, will also have a car rental agency, and afford us a wonderful location for visiting this beautiful area. We would like to stay in an agriturismo accommodation. Can you provide any suggestions to this itinerary - towns to get the car and places to stay? Or even, whether or not this is a good idea.
Thanks so much for any help you can provide.
Getting a Car


You could look at staying in Florence and then pick up the car and go into the countryside, stay a day or two, then visit Pisa and Lucca before dropping off the car in Pisa and taking a train from Pisa to CT

This way you won't need to back track to Florence, you won't need to find a car rental place in the countryside (not easy) and you will put yourself closer to CT so the train ride will not be as long WHILE giving yourself the freedom of a car to move around and see what's up :-)

You could look at staying: Tenuta Quadrifoglio, I have visited the area and the apartments...I believe they will give you the country feel you are looking for, with stunning views and breakfast!

Buon Viaggio,

Donna Denise

PS - the link is a direct booking with the owner.