Packing help


New member
Good afternoon everybody my husband and I will be flying into Florence April 27th and staying in Tuscany for a week we are coming from the United States and I need to know how to pack and what the weather will be in degrees. Then we move on to Rome for three days and then to the Amalfi Coast so anyone can help with how I should pack clothes wise that would be great


so the best way to keep up with the temps is to use a website like Weather Channel...because sometime it seems like the forecast changes everyday!

However, for your packing needs in this time period...think layers. Mornings an evenings can still be quiet cool, if not down right chilly. But when the sun is out, the weather is perfect - even shorts and a sleeve-less top are great. The last week of April they are broadcasting rain, so be sure to pack a raincoat of some type, and closed shoes for walking.

Buon Viaggio,

Donna Denise