Picked location now which month?


New member
My husband and I will be basing ourselves out of Radicondoli, for a 2.5 week stay, we will do day trips around the area, perhaps an over night trip or two then to Rome for the final 4 days before coming home. We are trying to decide between May and September. We are from Oklahoma so hot to us is 95. However we are accustomed to air conditioning, we are looking for mid 70's daytime temp, few rainy days, and lush green scenery. I totally realize it's a gamble and there are no guarantees, but looking for advice. It will be Italy, so it will be fabulous whatever happens! Also do you rcommend flying into Florence or Pisa, we will be picking up a car from either airport...thank you so very much
For lush green, I'd choose May over September.
For few rainy days, either are a gamble -- but neither are particularly wet months in general.

Either Pisa or Florence would be fine as you're heading to the countryside -- search for the ones with less connections and better fares :-).
May or September


both are excellent months are far as temps go - keep in mind September also has the "Vendemia" or grape harvest going on - so that can be an extra plus if you are interested in visiting ... or partaking in the adventure!

Buon Viaggio
Donna Denise