Hi there we are visiting Siena tomorrow in a coach. How far a walk is it for passengers to the centre of Siena from the fortezza medicea coach park or is there somewhere we can drop passengers and then go back to coach park?
The coach parking at the Fortezza is quite a bit far from the main sights. What a lot of the coach buses do is drop off passengers between the piazza San Domenico in front of the church or further along viale Tozzi near the piazza Gramsci or at the piazza ( https://maps.app.goo.gl/9K3VH9bhs378f2aC8?g_st=ic ) which is where all local buses have their stops. I personally prefer being dropped off in piazza Gramsci because the walk from there is about 15 minutes to piazza del campo and it’s a flat walk but the one from San domenico takes you down the hill and then back up the opposite hill. The view from there of the Duomo is great but the walk is more difficult considering the downhill and uphill there and back.
Then you can go park setting a pickup time for passengers at a specific time later on.
Thank you so much means a lot as this is our first coach trip to Tuscany any advice for drop off in Florence would be great as I’m taking my coach trip there friday