Looking for family in Lucca - Tognotti



My name is Kim and I am looking for our family. I am trying to plan and organize a trip to Italy to see the area our family comes from and meet people who we have relations with. I am planning this for my Mother, my sister and I. WE are hoping for September of this year, 2011

Ok, Moderators please if you feel you need to move this thread to another more appropriate area or tell someone you know please do so. I am having trouble finding a place to contact regarding Lucca and my queries.

OK that being said, here comes the history.

My great great great tia is Pasqua Tognotti, my great great grand father is Egidio Tognotti from Lucca Italy.

Egidio immigrated to Canada in 1909 with his wife Marianna Gianni with their sons Enrico, Luigi, Burno and Gino Tognotti.

My Great Grandfather is Enrico Tognotti, Enrico had 3 sons Allan, Umberto and George, my mother is the daughter of Umberto Alexander Tognotti.

I have one sister Kelly our maiden name is Moll.

We have children the ages of 17, 14 and 15.

We really look forward to finding any way of contacting people who may know how to find what we are looking for or pass us information on contact or websites.

Please do not post information that can be misused here, PM me and I will answer back.

Regards from BC Canada
searching for relatives near Lucca

Ciao Wilfam,

I see you've gotten feedback from the TripAdvisor forum - it isn't an easy quest you've started on but I am sure you will definitely make discoveries! The Museum of Italian Emigration in Lucca is a definite good place to start.

I can offer some suggestions as to how to get your search started. Consider that it is unlikely you'll find the right Tognotti's through the web. Through the museum if they're able to gather this type of info and through online searches gather the physical addresses of all of the Tognotti's in the area. Then use the old fashioned way of writing letters to all of them. It is less intrusive, it gives a chance for you to express all the details of the family tree and see whether you will get a reply.

It will definitely take longer and lots of patience to wait for replies but in Italy public offices that have the records you need are not digitized and you need to go in person to make requests. If they deem your request is valid, then they might take the trouble to do a search to help you gather the information you need. The museum likely can offer you some additional tips on how to go about it since it is likely they receive these types of requests often.

Also consider that in Italy the younger generations of your family might not even know as much as you know about your family tree - they'll have to go ask their parents and grandparents to even confirm whether you're reached the right relative. Just be patient, I am sure you'll find the right ones and get very satisfying results for your search! Good luck!

P.S. You could always take the vacation to Italy and stay in the Lucca area, use your time to go visit some offices to gather more info.... just don't come in August, all public offices have reduced hours and some close on some days. September-October is definitely a good period.

Thank you Lordes

I am bringing my Mom for 3 weeks in September!! We are so excited. i have posted a schedule query as a new thread. I feel it is a bit unorganized, but I am just starting, it will come along.

I look forward to hearing from yourself and others on ideas and areas and how to travel around. I am off to read more forum posts.

My name is Irineu Campi, family Campi from Lucca, I am the grandson of Pasqua Tognotti, I have all the information about the Tognotti Family from Lucca. You can contact me at the email " icampi@outlook.com "
My name is Irineu Campi, family Campi from Lucca, I am the grandson of Pasqua Tognotti, I have all the information about the Tognotti Family from Lucca. You can contact me at the email " icampi@outlook.com "
Hey Irineu Campi,

I came across this forum while doing research, my name is Janise Marie. I am one of the great granddaughters of Onesto Tognotti who migrated to San Francisco, California, USA. I'm currently working on discovering my family line, from Santa Maria a Colle, Lucca, Toscana, Italy in hopes of visiting.

I've been doing research on my own & have been able to trace the whole family line in the US, with stated government documents, up until Onesto Tognotti (1 MAR 1849 - 28 FEB 1909), & his wife, Maria Tiscornia Tognotti (1853 - 17 FEB 1938) . I would love to know if he ties into Pasqua Tognotti as a sibling or another family member & learn more.

I will go ahead & also reach out to the email you posted just incase this forum is no longer active.

My email is janise.marie13@gmail.com

Kind regards,
Janise Marie


Wow Janise, that is super awesome, hope either or both Wilfam and Irineu will see your post and get in touch with you!
The forum is active, but whether someone gets notified about new posts depends on their settings when they registered.

Let me know if you want me to get in touch with them directly, I can send a ping to their email addresses if you don't see any contact from them soon.