Private transportation services


New member
We are looking into private transportation from Cerreto d’Esi to Florence as the public transportation does not look very feasible. Are there any recommendations in companies that could do that? Would be a plus to see also Tuscany sights and beautiful landscape/some village on the way (kind of have a tour also within the transportation)
Thank you in advance!
Ciao Maria, welcome to our Forum!
How are you getting to Cerreto d'Esi in the first place? Do you need to rent a car to get there and then move around?
All of the coast along eastern Italy does not have an easy way to move west, across the Apennines, with public transport. Many require really roundabout routes. The easiest would be to rent a car (or car with driver, called NCC in Italy), and head west to Perugia and then either from there get train or bus or head to Arezzo and then from there get a train if not all the way to Florence.
The hard thing is this: you need to look for a local driver to make the trip, if you don't want to pay extra for someone to first drive out to you and thus pay more. Can you ask your host to recommend someone local? Maybe then you can have stops made along the way, or at least a drive through the Val d'Orcia so you get to see the lovely landscapes there.