Ciao RVargas, welcome to the forum!
It would most definitely be a great experience for you and your daughter to experience Italy, Florence and Tuscany for a longer time if you can get the chance. I also have an 11 year old daughter and she loves the summer camps, just keep in mind most run from mid-June to end of July and almost nothing runs in August, which is unfortunate. School here in Tuscany ends on June 10th and restarts on September 15th - a whole 3 months of vacation!! so all parents here depend on summer camps to keep kids busy during the summer. Do you already have dates in which you would prefer to be in Italy? And would you prefer staying in Florence (or a city) as opposed to the outskirts? There are towns just outside Florence along the train line which would make it easier for you to have the full-immersion experience and get to places without the need to rent a car or drive.
There are so many summer camps, most are day camps that run from morning to afternoon and there are many that organized by theme, like outdoor activities, or a specific sport, or artistic. Is there anything in particular your daughter loves to do? Most are private run so are not cheap and generally require at least a week's registration, with discounts being applied to those that book multiple weeks.
So if you share any ideas you might already have about when, where (even if it just city vs countryside) or any other info on interests, that would help me see if I can already find info on specific summer camps. It's possible there are no set dates yet because most camps and parents start organizing this around april/may but if we find info on what was offered last summer, it is likely going to be similar.