train tickets... from florence and to rome

Deb N

We are arriving in Tuscany in about a week and will spend a day in Lucca (need train tixs from Florence) and then need train tixs from Orviento to Rome later in the stay. Should we buy our tixs before we leave ? or on the day we travel? Not sure how popular these routes are and if it is difficult to buy train tixs on the day of travel.

Thank you in advance
Train tickets


You shouldn't really have any problem booking tickets once you get here AND it leaves you a bit more flexible on your times. Availability should not be the issue especially for Roma/Orvieto. This ticket is a regional train, and takes about an hour to get in - cost is about 15Euros (one way) in two. I was in a car - but I have taken the "funiculare" directly up to the main city before. It is in front of the train station and it will take you up to the area right next to the Well of St. Patrick - or you can take the bus located right outside of the train station. I really don't suggest walking there - it is quite a hike.
I ate at the Trattoria la Pergola - and had an absolutely wonderful meal - and service!! or if you are looking for just a quick sandwich the Il Negozietto (try their porchetta), both are located on Via dei Magoni which is a very pictureque cross road on the main road towards the Duomo.

The train to Lucca is the same thing as above, no problem with the reservations. It is a local train - though I am not familiar with the costs.

Buon Viaggio,

Donna Denise
Train > Florence to/from Rome

I'm arriving in Rome and plan to take the train to Florence.

* Do I need to buy tickets before I arrive into Rome, or can I purchase that day? Will I be able to be seated with my wife, or will we be separated? Is bringing baggage on the train a hassle?

* Anything special things to see of the Italian countryside while I'm traveling on the train from Rome to Florence? What should I be on the lookout for?

Thanks in advance!
Getting to Florence by Train


You can purchase your tickets in Rome, and if you buy the tickets at the same time then you will be seated next to each other.

The Intercity and especially the Freccia (the really fast trains) normally have a few steps up/down for the train, which means you need to lift your luggage up. But once you are in the train, there is normally a place to stow the luggage in the car you are travelling.

People do it all the time, and many times (if you are too slow) the others will help...because they don't want the train to leave without them. :rolleyes:

You will be able to purchase your ticket at the counter - or at one of the electronic ticket dispensers. DO NOT TAKE EXCHANGE tickets with people telling you a sob story about how the bought the wrong ticket...its all a big story to cheat you out of some money.

If you are arriving at the airport in Rome before going to Florence, then you can buy your ticket at the ticket counter there - less people to deal with - BUT remember that the airport train is probably on the track furtherest possible from the Florence train (been there, done that) so be sure you give yourself time to get to the right track (it is called a binario and is abbreviated as BIN).


don't forget to time stamp your train tickets BEFORE you get on the train.

Buon Viaggio,

Donna Denise
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