Train travel from Pisa airport


New member
Hi, can anuyone help please?

I have been invited to a wedding in Monticiano, Florence next year. I don't want to drive from Pisa, I want to travel there by train if possible. Perhaps to hire a car at the destination. Would it be possible to hire a car from there? I am nervous to drive so far from Pisa, a busy area.

thank you
Can you double check your invitation and confirm you're traveling to Monticiano, in the province of SIENA, and not Florence? As you can understand, it makes a difference in distances! (Plus, I didn't find a Monticiano in province of Florence.)

Assuming it is the one in Siena, then the best options are by train/bus through Florence then Siena.
Check out what Google Maps offers -
you can plug in a precise date and time to see better results. The shortest are 3.5hr while, in comparison, driving would be around 2hr.

If you are planning to drive in any case, I think hiring from Pisa would not be a bad idea. The airport is actually outside the city so you can get the car and then get on the Firenze-Pisa-Livorno roadway without driving in the city.
Driving to the wedding


I can understand being a bit nervous about driving - it's always a bit of an eye opener the first time. However, as Lourdes above noted, the airport for Pisa is actually located outside the city and has direct access to the FI PI LI highway which will take you towards Florence where you can catch the Florence Siena road. All the way to Siena you will be driving on main highways which are in excellent condition and often times not very different from "home" (unless of course you drive on the right and not the left:p)

In any case, from Siena you will probably have to get to the town Monticiano on your own or have someone from the wedding come and get you because public transport is a bit scarse.

Buon Viaggio,

Donna Denise
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