tuscany bike ride


New member
My husband and I are thinking about doing a bike tour trip in Tuscany. We currently are looking at one that includes Talamone, Orbetello and Magliano. I'm having a hard time when the best time would be Mid May or 1st week of June. I don't mind temperatures in the 80's. Would either month work or is May tend to be cooler and more rainy.

thanks for any information you can give
Weather in Tuscany


June is definitely a spectacular month especially with the long daylight hours - however, in the last couple of years (and I do realize everythings is subject to change) June has also been very, very warm.

The end of May would probably be great for biking around - keeping the temps very comfortable (not too hot and not too cold).

Have a read here for some more insight as to the weather: http://www.discovertuscany.com/tuscany-weather/average-temperatures-tuscany.html

Buon Viaggio

Donna Denise

PS That is a beautiful area to explore !!
I also would suggest May over June for that area, as that area has a bit less tree cover than others and therefore you get more sun. So even if the temps are not too high in June, you don't want to not have any shade either since you'll be out a bit.
So how warm could temp be in May vs. June. I also want to avoid to much rain. I thought May was more of a rainy month? If I go in May I have options of May 16, May 20 or May 23 starting tour for 10 days. Would I need to worry about traveling over Memorial Day. I have never been to Italy so I wasn't sure if places close down. I was leaning towards June because I would rather be warm then cold biking but I have also read how green May is but I figured first part of June would be too. I look online and saw May temp in low 70's and overnight down to 60. That seems cool to me. Also would biking along the water make it colder.

thanks so much for responding. This is a one in a lifetime trip and I want it to be perfect. It was hard to pick which tour to take and I narrowed it down to this tour. They also go to Giglio Island. So I want to be able to swim in water too.

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If you want to go swimming as well, then I'd go early June. I've been to Elba at the end of May and the water was still sort of cold. Cold, just perfect or hot -- it all depends on what each of us is used to.
Where are you coming from? I'm from California, so it took a while for me to adjust to not considering winters in Florence as being extremely cold - but once I spent a winter in update New York, I realized it is NOT that cold in Florence! :D

Memorial Day.... you mean June 2 in Italy? It is the Day of the Republic. Italy lives off tourism, so holidays are perfect excuses for everyone to travel and not much is closed, at least not as regards tourism and related services ;-)
Water in Giglio

I have vacationed on Giglio - and it is beautiful.

We didn't have a sandy beach, so a dip in the waters meant navigating the "scoglio" which is "kind of" a rocky coast. It can be a bit slippery, and difficult to enter and exit...but it is beautiful and the water is so crystal clear.

As Lourdes mentioned, the water temps are all relative. I am also a SCUBA diver - and I always go in the water with a suit...a heavy suit. But then I am from Florida and I am use to bathwater temps in the ocean :-P

Have Fun!
Donna Denise