Keeping baby cool in the heat - Siena


New member
My family and I are travelling to Siena for a wedding in August. We are staying in a large b&b. My worry is how to keep the children cool especially my baby who will be nearly 2 and half months.
The property is older and therefore does not have air conditioning. As our children are all young we tend not to travel when it’s to hot and if we do need to we have a place with air con. Therefore I am extremely anxious about the heat and our children.
As it is a family wedding the option of not going is not possible.
Does anyone have any tips on how to keep baby and children cool.
There is a pool so the older kids can use that and I may also get a floaty for the baby too.
The wedding is in a few weeks and so my anxiety levels are rising and really hoping someone can ease this with some advise.

Thank you

Ciao Hannah,

I can understand your worries and anxiety given the current heat wave and that your baby is very young. I will reassure you on one important front: if the property is old and has not needed to install air conditioning in the last few years, it means there has been no need. Usually, old places have really thick walls that keep the house/rooms cool even in the heat and/or the location must be such that keeps the rooms ventilated. This is the case for all places that are located on top of hills - there are many that were built on top and side of hills purposely for this reason. Many places have had to install A/C in recent years as the weather has warmed up, and if this place hasn't, this should actually reassure you on one level.

Having said that, you never know whether this summer will just get on hotter so I don't think it is out of place to make a special request of the accommodation: since you will have such a small baby, in your shoes, I'd ask them to at least provide a ventilator/fan in your room on arrival to use if needed. You can also make a request to have a room that has windows that face north or south and not east or west, so that it should be cooler.

Aside from this, all I can recommend is to bring light clothes for your baby and uncover as you believe might be necessary. I imagine the baby will have a beautiful outfit for the wedding, if you can, make sure it is cotton or linen and not too heavy. I also didn't use onesies in the summer on my babies so that their bellies would have more air flow.

I hop I've helped reassure you a bit and that you will be able to enjoy the trip and wedding - and hope that it won't be too hot this August!!
It’s understandable to feel anxious about traveling to Siena in August, especially with young children and no air conditioning. While the heat can be a concern, there are a few ways to manage it and keep your baby comfortable.

First, see if the B&B offers fans or can provide them. You can also bring portable fans designed for babies, which can clip onto strollers or cribs. Cooling towels or damp cloths on the baby’s skin can also help regulate their temperature.

Dress your children in light, breathable fabrics like cotton, and try to stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day, usually between 12-4 PM. Additionally, keep the windows closed during the day to block out heat, and open them in the evening when it cools down.

Make sure to stay hydrated and take frequent breaks in the shade when outdoors. For added peace of mind, you might consider a portable air conditioner or cooling unit that can be rented or purchased for the trip. Planning activities early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler will also help.

I hope these suggestions ease your concerns, and you can enjoy the wedding without too much stress!
It’s understandable to feel anxious about traveling to Siena in August, especially with young children and no air conditioning. While the heat can be a concern, there are a few ways to manage it and keep your baby comfortable.

First, see if the B&B offers fans or can provide them. You can also bring portable fans designed for babies, which can clip onto strollers or cribs. Cooling towels or damp cloths on the baby’s skin can also help regulate their temperature.

Dress your children in light, breathable fabrics like cotton, and try to stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day, usually between 12-4 PM. Additionally, keep the windows closed during the day to block out heat, and open them in the evening when it cools down.

Make sure to stay hydrated and take frequent breaks in the shade when outdoors. For added peace of mind, you might consider a portable air conditioner or cooling unit that can be rented or purchased for the trip. Planning activities early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler will also help.

I hope these suggestions ease your concerns, and you can enjoy the wedding without too much stress!
Uh, Henrich45, August has already passed.